Captain America #249 (1980)
By Roger Stern, John Byrne, Joe Rubinstein
Background: Over the past few weeks, Captain America has been attacked by mysterious robots, and is now fighting the bestial Dragon Man.
So, What Happens? Prisoner in the bone-crushing grasp of Dragon Man, Captain America throws his gauntlet at the creature's eye, causing DM to release him. The hero takes advantage of the moment's respite to destroy the flying metal ball responsible for Dragon Man's aggressive behaviour and tries to calm him down. Remembering who did this to him, Dragon Man takes flight, but Cap manages to hold on to him with a makeshift lasso. Eventually, Dragon Man lands in the countryside and smashes through what looks like a barn, but is actually the entrance to a massive underground laboratory. With Captain America a short distance behind, Dragon Man finds and attacks the maker of the flying metal ball, a scientist named Machinesmith, but is quickly taken down by his gadgets. Cap confronts the man, only to discover Machinesmith is himself a robot, capable of jumping from one body to another. With the hero busy fighting an onslaught of half-finished robot replicas and spare parts, Machinesmith gradually reveals that he fell to his death some time ago in a battle against Daredevil, only to be found by his robots, who could only save him by transferring his consciousness into a mechanical body. Now facing an army of Machinesmiths, Captain America notices they seem to be protecting a central computer and destroys it in the hope of identifying the real Machinesmith. Unfortunately, they all collapse as the central computer was Machinesmith. Made suicidal by this mockery of a life, and yet unable to go against his programming and destroy himself, Machinesmith had essentially manipulated Cap into killing him. Despite the dying villain's gratitude, Cap, who considers freedom the only thing worth dying for, is aghast at what he was made to do.